Friday, 5 August 2016

Jesus on the Job: How Faith Mixes With Work, Part 2

It is past time to have a robust conversation around integrating faith and learning.

One of the keys to equipping people to see their work as a place where they can point people to Jesus and as a way to fulfill God’s call upon their lives is to begin early.

If we wait until people are in the throes of the questions and struggles of work vs. ministry, there is a much greater probability of deconstruction that will need to be done before they can begin to be rightly encouraged and equipped for work and ministry. In order to engage young people in this type of thought and practice, we need to have a robust conversation around integrating faith and learning.

Believers are asking questions about how we train people in a Christian worldview as it pertains to living as faithful believers in a changing cultural context. On the one hand, this is the work of the local church. This is discipleship, and it should be a part of the regular process of equipping the people in our churches. On the other hand, there are some wonderful partners that can help specifically in developing workers who work hard, are satisfied in their work, and see it as an opportunity for gospel ministry and mission.

And so, pastors, we need to know how to help parents address the educational needs of our young people, particularly in regards to university preparation. With all that is going on in our culture right now, people are increasingly asking about the place of Christian schools, all the way up to the university level.

There is a long and storied history of Christian involvement in creating colleges and universities to train our people for ministry. Today, people are asking about how that Christian intellectual tradition applies in our changing culture.

Many people look to Christian education as a way to guard their children, to isolate ...

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