Jesus modeled hospitality in the Gospels and commanded it in Acts
There is no greater news than this: “The God of the Universe knows you and loves you, and all of your sins and wrong doing. He forgives at His expense in Christ.”
In fact, Scripture says, “God proves His love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” This is truly good news full of hope and promise. It is only fitting that those who share this good news with others should exhibit acts of kindness while speaking words of grace.
Hospitality, and the utilizing of personal resources, should characterize the life of a Christian. In Matthew 10:42 we read, “And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.”
Sometimes, the smallest act of human kindness produces the greatest effects, and opens doors for the gospel. Giving a cup of cold water on a hot day may open a door to share the love of God with another person. Have you ever offered your mail man an opportunity to use your bathroom while he is delivering the mail? I have and, in time, was eventually able to lead him to Christ, and also his children. It all started with a simple act of human kindness.
Beginning with a gift, an open heart or an open home can gain access to the heart of another. If the gospel is anything, it is hospitable; at least, it should be. I remember once when Margaret Taylor, wife of Ken Taylor (who developed The Living Bible), told me, “If you can only be hospitable when everything is set up perfectly, you will not be hospitable with any frequency.”
She also used to say, “Always be ready to show hospitality; the need may occur more often than you had time to prepare; therefore, always ...
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