Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Too Soon for Perry Noble's Second Chance at Church?

NewSpring says its founder, who was fired last year, still isn't qualified to pastor.

Pastor Perry Noble’s former megachurch isn’t ready to give him a second chance. So he’s giving himself one.

A year after firing Noble over his alcoholism, South Carolina multisite NewSpring Church continues to deem its founding pastor unfit to be restored to the pulpit. But that hasn’t stopped the 45-year-old preacher from guest speaking at more than 10 other congregations—and recently filing paperwork to start his own.

Noble, who has been working as a church growth consultant and says he has been sober for nearly a year, registered Second Chance Church in South Carolina last month, watchdog blogger Warren Throckmorton reported.

“I am able to confirm that the paperwork has indeed been filed for a new church in South Carolina—that is a matter of public record,” Noble’s assistant told CT. “However, no timeline has been set for the church. Perry is dedicated to his clients at The Growth Company, and serving them well.”

Meanwhile, leaders at NewSpring—which spans across 15 locations in South Carolina—recently reiterated their concerns. They addressed his appearances at other churches, such as Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church in neighboring North Carolina, at an event in late July. They declined to directly comment on Noble’s new church venture.

“We have been asked why Perry can preach at other churches but not at NewSpring,” said teaching pastor Clayton King. “We cannot speak for other churches and how they make decisions. For us, Perry currently does not meet the biblical qualifications of a pastor, teacher, shepherd.”

King listed 1 Timothy 3:1-5, Titus 1:5-9, and James 3:1 among their guidelines for the pastorate. He ...

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