Thursday, 7 September 2017

Houston Stories: How God Is Working through Crosspoint Church in the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

Donating money, instead of supplies, helps the local economy.

While we watch Hurricane Irma leave a devastating wake in its trail as it heads towards the Southeastern United States, relief efforts in Texas will continue for months to come in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. With the onslaught of tragedy occurring recently, it can be hard to keep up. But in the midst of it all, we don’t want to lose sight of how God’s people are working in these times of crisis. We are running a series of interviews with church leaders and pastors on the ground helping with relief efforts in Texas. Today, my team interviewed Justin Kellough, Student Pastor at Crosspoint Church, a campus of West University Church in Houston.

As I wrote in USAToday last week, faith based groups are leading the way in Harvey recovery and relief. We want to help tell their stories, so let’s jump in.

Ed: While many of us have been watching and praying from a distance, you are on the ground with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. What’s happening in your town right now in terms of the damage and the work that needs to be done?

Justin Kellough: People in Houston are either flooded or helping someone who flooded. There are blocks and blocks of homes all around town that have everything they own on the street for garbage pickup because nothing is salvageable. People are still getting water out of their homes, packing up the few possessions that are salvageable, and tearing out drywall, studs, and floors in preparation for the next step. But most don’t know what that is as they are just now meeting with insurance adjusters and FEMA representatives.

People need help with all of these things. It is easy enough to buy basics here now, but people who have lost everything don’t have the financial resources ...

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