Thursday, 9 November 2017

I’m a White Mom of Beautiful ‘Colored’ Boys

As a bi-racial family, how should we raise our children?

I’m white. My son is black.

More accurately, my first born is an olive-toned Native American, and my youngest is black. I’m Slovenian and my husband is Irish. We are both olive. Until our second son was born—the black son—no one ever saw our family as bi-racial. Truth is, the thing that earned us the bi-racial status was not race or ethnicity, but skin color.

As a bi-racial family, a white couple with children of different-than-us colors, how should we raise our children? Should we train their eyes to see color as significant (i.e., black pride, Indian heritage, etc.) or coach their hearts to be color blind, to treat every person as created equal and beautiful—made in the image of God?

Yes. It must be both.

Lessons are just beginning. Jaden is almost three; joyfully in the “what” and “why” stage. Every other minute is a moment to teach. As devoted Christ-followers, we want to raise our children according to God’s Word. We try our best to discipline with consistency and grace; we strive for bedtime Bible study with scripture memory and songs; we live out the gospel, inviting people into our home and serving others regularly so our boys see love modeled.

We feel the weight of parenting.

Life lessons aren’t simply so our boys grow up to be successful citizens. The instruction is to help them find freedom in Christ for their eternal souls, while living a radical adventure for our Lord. Our parenting is to provide for their needs, love them unconditionally, and guide them to know their Creator. The first two jobs may be exhausting, but relatively easy. It’s the third job of parenting that takes a village! A village of friends and family (including authors of books) ...

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