"Make every expression of ministry relationally driven and every relationship ministry focused."

Ed: How long have you been involved in Lausanne International and what is your current role?
CJ: I first got involved with Lausanne at the end of 2015, helping with prayer on the planning team for the Young Leaders Gathering in Jakarta in 2016. I am now involved with the Young Leaders Generation, helping the Educate Initiative, which connects Lausanne’s young leaders with higher education scholarships.
Ed: Tell me about your current roll and what you do.
CJ: I work with a ministry full-time called Leadership International. We equip Christ-like leaders with training and resources in order to fulfill the Great Commission. We target least-reached leaders in order to grow church-equipping movements in strategic locations. My role is to resource our international partners with capital, coaching, and curriculum. To keep me sane, I travel to Africa and Asia to teach and encourage our team.
Ed: Tell me about the gospel and the church in North America, where you live.
CJ: In the United States, it seems the gospel is no longer seen as good news. Our culture prefers not to talk about sin. Therefore, “repent and believe” is not a message that is received well here.
The church in America is a lot like Laodicea in Revelation 3. I think that apathy, comfort, and ignorance are our biggest challenges. The solution is to heed the message to Laodicea: “Buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.”
In other words, we need to open our eyes to see the bigger picture, seeking purity and true riches in the life to come.
Ed: What is your impression of how the church is doing when it comes to sharing ...
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