Thursday 29 December 2016

Our Top 10 Articles of 2016

Readers and editors rank the best posts of the year.

2016 was a big year for us. We transitioned from Her.meneutics to CT Women and brought in more reported content, new devotional content, excerpts from recently published books, and more thought-provoking opinion essays. From the Stanford rape case to Downton Abby, CT Women writers responded to big stories in the news and entertainment worlds as well as the Christian blogosphere. Here are our readers’ favorite posts of the year:

I'm a Woman Who Got Kicked Out of Women's Bathrooms

In response to the so-called “bathroom wars,” Melanie Spring Mock reflected on her experience as a girl who was often mistaken for a boy:

Of course, Christians differ in their views on sexual ethics and gender ontology. But even as we hold our different convictions, we can all agree it’s important not to target others based on narrow gender constructs that exclude people like me. Because when someone hears she is not feminine enough, not girlish enough, not pretty enough to really be a girl, what she will hear is that she is not enough, period. And that message seems in its own way abusive.

The Stanford Rape Victim Said Words I Couldn't

After a yearlong trial, Brock Turner of the “Stanford rape case” was sentenced to a mere six months in the county jail, followed by three years of probation. As a former victim of sexual assault, Halee Gray Scott offered insight into the case:

If the public would not turn away from the horror, if they would not diminish the terrible truth of what victims endure, it could turn the tide of thousands of years in which women have been blamed, disbelieved, and discarded for sexual assault. It could give us hope for some measure of justice after all.

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