Thursday, 6 October 2016

Evangelical Campus Ministry (InterVarsityUSA) Decides Employees Should Hold Evangelical Beliefs on Marriage-- Internet Explodes

InterVarsityUSA's policy on marriage provokes Internet outrage.

InterVarsity is an evangelical Christian organization, and people who work at InterVarsity are, not surprisingly, expected to hold Evangelical beliefs.

Or, as Elisabeth Dias of TIME Magazine put it:

In other words, InterVarsity now has the same policy of Evangelical churches.

So, why is this news? Well, the Internet is abuzz with outrage and, I imagine the story will spill into other news outlets tomorrow.

But why is it news that Evangelicals think their staff should hold Evangelical beliefs?

It’s becuase there is a new orthodoxy, and the old one just won’t do for many.

The New Orthdoxy

The new orthodoxy says that you have to bend your beliefs to fit it. But InterVarsity has a different view—the Evangelical view. And, such views do cost today.

And, ultimately, every organization with the beliefs of old orthodoxy will face a moment like this.

This might sound similar to the World Vision moment, where President Richard Stearns made it clear that biblical marriage was not a negotiable:

“Certain beliefs are so core to our Trinitarian faith that we must take a strong stand on those beliefs.”

But, are these new policies and beliefs really new?

New Beliefs?

To say that this is a new idea or belief – or that biblical marriage is just now being included in orthodoxy – is just not honest. Organizations are creating policies because some are trying to change orthodoxy, not because they are adding to orthodoxy.

This is simply what the church has taught on this issue for two millennia.

And, InterVarsity, like just about every Evangelical ministry and church, does not want employees teaching contrary to their central beliefs.

Just like Catholics hire people with Catholic beliefs. And Mormons with Mormon beliefs. ...

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