Evangelical millenial minority chooses the Green Party
My political viewpoint is shaped by both my Evangelical faith and my personal experiences.
My faith has been shaped mainly by the Pentecostal and Anabaptist traditions. From my Pentecostal heritage, I draw the belief that the Holy Spirit is actively working among lowly and marginalized people. From the Anabaptist tradition, I have learned that peacemakers who follow the teachings and example of Jesus will be ignored at best and martyred at worst.
Coming from that perspective, I am going to vote for Jill Stein, not because she is any sort of savior or perfect politician. I only hope to send a small signal that things are not going well at the far corners of the empire. The other major candidates do not have policies that cohere with a biblical approach to justice, as I understand it.
The Jesus I know is one who immigrated to our planet and was rejected by its citizens. The last thing Christians should support is the rejection of human beings who are made in God’s image simply because they are not light-skinned and English-speaking.
Evangelicals sometimes talk about “welcoming the stranger,” citing Bible verses like Leviticus 19:33-34. For many Evangelicals, this issue directly affects us or members of our families. The level of anti-immigrant and white supremacist rhetoric and anger unleashed by Donald Trump’s campaign is, to borrow an old-fashioned word, an abomination.
But Democratic Party politicians have not done much better. Barack Obama has presided over the deportations of more people than any other United States president, including 414,481 people in fiscal year 2014 and 438,412 people in fiscal year 2013. The vast majority of those people did not commit any crime unrelated to their immigration ...
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