Clinton supporter answers common Evangelical objections
Hillary Clinton has been an aggressive pro-choice advocate and her views on abortion are far from what evangelicals believe. Why should pro-life evangelicals vote for someone with whom they disagree so deeply?
For me, the reality of what happens to an unborn child in an abortion procedure is disturbing beyond words. Not only is it horrendous from a physiological standpoint but also from a spiritual standpoint I believe that this is taking a life that is created in the image of God and denies the God-given rights of that preborn-life. As a mother, it is difficult for me to think about this from the unborn baby’s perspective but I have even more compassion when I think about the women who have abortions. Maybe this is because I envision the unborn babies being welcomed into the arms of Jesus but when I think about the mother, I think of the burden she may carry for the rest of her life.I can say with sincerity that I do not want any woman to have an abortion but in the fallen world we live in, abortions will always be a reality that laws being passed will not end. In countries where abortion is illegal, abortion rates are still very high and maternal deaths go up dramatically.Legal or otherwise, women still choose to have abortions and I believe the word choice is synonymous with freewill which God gives each individual who then makes their own decisions, even disturbing grievous choices which I would consider abortion to be.Critics would say that this makes me “pro-choice.” My response would be that I do not think it is our government that ultimately has the authority to give women the freedom to choose but instead, making such a decision is part of the freewill that God in His wisdom gives us as individuals. ...
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